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Jescar Fretwire Specification Chart

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Below you will find an overview of the various types of Jescar Fretwire currently available at

For every type of fretwire the crown width and height as wel as tang width are listed in both mm and inches. The Jescar # takes you directly to the product pages for that particular fretwire and fret material.

Jescar Nickel Silver Fretwire

Jescar # Crown width mm Crown height mm Tang width mm Crown width inch Crown height inch Tang width inch
37080 2.03 0.94 0.4953 .080 .037 0.0195
39106-236 2.69 0.99 0.600 .106 .039 0.0236
43080 2.03 1.09 0.508 .080 .043 0.0200
43080-217 2.03 1.09 0.551 .080 .043 0.0217
45085 2.16 1.14 0.508 .085 .045 0.0200
45100 2,54 1.14 0.558 .100 .045 0.0220
47090 2.28 1.19 0.533 .090 .047 0.0210
47095 2.41 1.19 0.533 .095 .047 0.0210
47104 2.64 1.19 0.508 .104 .047 0.0200
50078 1.98 1.27 0.508 .078 .060 0.0200
50085 2.16 1.27 0.508 .085 .050 0.0200
51100 2.54 1.30 0.508 .100 .051 0.0200
51108 2.75 1.30 0.558 .108 .051 0.0220
55090 2.28 1.40 0.508 .090 .055 0.0200
55095 2.41 1.40 0.508 .095 .055 0.0200
57110 2.79 1.45 0.508 .110 .057 0.0200
58118 2.99 1.47 0.533 .118 .058 0.0210


Jescar Stainless Steel Fretwire

Jescar # Crown width mm Crown height mm Tang width mm Crown width inch Crown height inch Tang width inch
37080 2.03 0.94 0.4953 .080 .037 0.0195
43080 2.03 1.09 0.508 .080 .043 0.0200
47095 2.41 1.19 0.533 .095 .047 0.0210
47104 2.64 1.19 0.508 .104 .047 0.0200
51100 2.54 1.30 0.508 .100 .051 0.0200
55090 2.28 1.40 0.508 .090 .055 0.0200
57110 2.79 1.45 0.508 .110 .057 0.0200


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